After nearly 30 years of successful youth leadership development and community involvement, JYCA is closing its doors. Click here to join us for JYCA's Celebration of Life on Nov. 17, 2024.

jyca programs

JYCA offers two programs for high school aged youth, the Organizing Group, and across the Bay Area we run Jews Against Marginalization.

JYCA creates the framework for youth to design, develop and shape the content of the programming they participate in, the impact they have in their communities, and the culture of their community. We do this by taking teens and their capacities seriously.

In JYCA, we teach youth the skills they need to effectively lead: from facilitation, to curricular development; from tracking social dynamics, to active listening; from partnering with local movement organizations to selecting campaigns through consensus processes; from planning retreats to managing non-profit budgets. Jewish youth live at the center of JYCA and so the organization is vibrant, alive, powerful and innovative. Sometimes it's more challenging, but it is always more interesting, more inspiring and more engaging. And we prefer it that way.

Why our JYCA programs are special

Meet youth where they are: We meet teens in their homes, at their schools, at their favorite parks, and at protests at 6am to take a stand for environmental justice! We meet youth in their synagogues, we meet youth who don't belong to synagogues, and everywhere else they spend time their time. By being with our teens where they are we maximize the participation and the relevancy of our programs.

Develop connections: Relationships are central to the leadership development and educational richness of our programs. We nurture participants' relationships with intimate cohorts: with each other and with our staff, and with the many Jewish and political communities that impact JYCA.

Multiple means of involvement: There are many path ways for youth to participate in JYCA. JYCA youth can run and lead our programs, or just show up for trainings and actions, they can mentor other youth, collaborate with movement organizations, and even lead the board of directors. We offer flexible engagement structures in our programs and their participation is their choice.

Made by youth, for youth: JYCA is a place for youth to be active participants in their community. We understand that many teens thrive when given stake in their work, which increases the meaning and depth of their actions. They decide on everything from the campaigns they work on, to facilitating their own retreats with staff support. They understand this is their program, and that is unique.

In JYCA, youth are seen, accepted and loved for who they are.